Consulting, convening, coding, covering new ground, plus occasional commentary.
Lunch-and-learn technology presentations for non-profit leaders
UPDATE: The first event date has been announced here. Register early to avoid disapointment.
Are you leading a charge for change, but lack time for professional development? Want to understand how to embrace mission-supporting technology, but don't know where to start? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then do we have an offer for you. We provide the space. We provide the battle-hardened "expert." And get this: all you have to do is show up. Interested? Read on...
In collaboration with the Centre for Social Innovation, a brand-new series of concise and experience-based presentations will be launched this spring. After virtual no consideration, or community consultation, the series is going to be called Brown Bag I.T. -- we like it.

More details will follow in the next few weeks, but here are the talking points:
- Sessions will be limited to approximately twelve people.
- Format will be 45 minute presentation (so you can eat your lunch) and 15 minutes of Q & A.
- There will be really, really, good handouts.
- You're in-and-out in one hour (so you can ride back to work and save the world!).
- And, best-of-all, it costs you nothing.
If you want to be the first to know about the dates, and registration, take a moment to drop your e-mail in the little sign-up box down at the end of this page (where it says "Stay in touch" in big letters).
Last year we spoke to a number of organizations and came up with these tentative sessions:
- E-mail broadcasting: tackling large lists and improving impact.
- B.L.O.G.: Better Listings On Google.
- E-commerce: Stores, donations, and registrations.
- Paid search engine marketing: finding your base online.
- Advocacy options for Canadian organizations
- Manage your Inbox before it manages you: extreme productivity.
I will personally deliver up to four of the sessions this year. If interest levels are high enough, I'll call in some favours with the local digerati to make more session available. So, now it's up to you: what sessions are most relevant to your organizations work? What do you struggle with most? Other ideas -- something's not on the list above -- drop me a note below.
Look forward to seeing you for lunch!
UPDATE: The first event date has been announced here. Register early to avoid disapointment.
Hi, I'm Phillip Smith, a veteran digital publishing consultant, online advocacy specialist, and strategic convener. If you enjoyed reading this, find me on Twitter and I'll keep you updated.
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