Phillip Smith

Act Now: Canadian CRTC opens opportunity for more community media funding

This just in from Steve Anderson via

The CRTC is currently reconsidering the role of community television in Canada, providing an historic opportunity to create a rejuvenated, FRESH and innovative independent media system.

Many people are unaware that two per cent of what cable companies collect from their customers monthly is supposed to be spent on community channels. BUT, rather than provide community access to these resources as they should, cable operators have used these channels and funds to give themselves a competitive edge, and at times even pocketing the money while shutting down studios. Tell the CRTC what you think of this: supports a proposal by CACTUS (Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations) calling for the millions of dollars already being collected by cable companies for community TV, be liberated to independent media centres for use by all Canadians. The CRTC can make this a reality – please send them a letter now! HERE:

The best part of CACTUS’ plan is that Canadians won't have to pay another dime! The money we are already paying to cable companies will be directed to independent media!


Hi, I'm Phillip Smith, a veteran digital publishing consultant, online advocacy specialist, and strategic convener. If you enjoyed reading this, find me on Twitter and I'll keep you updated.


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