Phillip Smith

Genius or Spam? Campaign for Liberty's interesting "win back" e-mail campaign

Over the years, I’ve subscribed to hundreds of e-mail lists. Like many of my colleagues in the online campaigning world, I subscribe to get a feel for how different organizations handle their online communication strategy. During the US Presidential election in 2008, I was subscribed to more than ever – and I enjoyed every missive! – however, when the election was over I unsubscribed, no longer wanting to hear from McCain, Ron Paul, and so on.

A year and eight months passed … and then, today, I received the e-mail below.

I’m a big fan of e-mail and I work with many organizations to help grow their lists by reducing list attrition (unsubscribes) – so my first reaction was “this is pretty smart.” However, as I had a chance to read further and realize that I’d simply been re-subscribed to the list without permission, I was less enthusiastic. Now, frankly, I’m not the kind to get my knickers in a knot about this kind of thing (as it is easy enough to re-unsubscribe), but I bet that many others would. What do you think? Genius or Spam?

(Click for larger version.)


Hi, I'm Phillip Smith, a veteran digital publishing consultant, online advocacy specialist, and strategic convener. If you enjoyed reading this, find me on Twitter and I'll keep you updated.


Want to launch a local news business? Apply now for the journalism entrepreneurship boot camp

I’m excited to announce that applications are now open again for the journalism entrepreneurship boot camp. And I’m even more excited to ...… Continue reading